We have designed client projects for over 35 years at Myles Nelson McKenzie Design.

Designing with the company mantra,
“Myles Nelson McKenzie Design…We design for the way you live & work!”
We take great pride in providing exceptional customer service at Myles Nelson McKenzie Design. This is why our clients return to us for future projects. We understand that each project is unique and requires a personalized approach. That’s why we take the time to sit down with our clients and listen carefully to their needs. Offering our professional guidance and expertise ensures their vision is brought to life.
Our experienced designers and architects utilize the latest technology and industry best practices to provide innovative and creative design solutions. Tailored to each project’s needs. We work closely with our clients throughout the design process. Provide regular updates and make necessary adjustments to ensure the final product meets their specifications.
At Myles Nelson McKenzie Design, we are committed to providing consistent, creative, and buildable construction plans. Thanks to our unwavering commitment to quality and excellence, we have earned a reputation as one of the most trusted design firms. Design services for Residential, Commercial Design, and Construction Plans. We are proud of our achievements and look forward to providing exceptional service to our clients for years.
We have moved and grown from a small design studio in Palm Springs, California, to two strategically placed locations within North America.
About Our Building Design Services
We offer structural engineering solutions for custom homes, home remodels, room additions, and commercial projects. Additionally, we provide innovative design and construction documentation, including MEPS (mechanical/electrical/plumbing/structural engineering), for residential and commercial projects, where applicable.
Each project at Myles Nelson McKenzie Design is unique and developed with attention to detail. Whether it’s a traditional, contemporary, or historical restoration project.

Offering our building design and construction documentation services from the initial design phase through the conditional use or building permit process. Fulfilling our client’s needs with our project architects and civil and structural engineers.
“We can provide design and construction plans for any size project.”
– Myles McKenzie
So, let us at Myles Nelson McKenzie Design assist you, whether you’re designing a new custom home, remodeling your current one, or improving a commercial tenant space.
Contact us today! We would be happy to discuss what design services we provide for your project.
We are expanding geographically and designing client projects throughout California, Washington State, Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. Additionally, we are designing and developing construction plans for projects in Eastern states. South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, New York, Maine, and Florida.
Located in Bluffton, South Carolina. You can also contact us internationally in Canada. Click here to view our Canadian website.
Click on the provided link and view how we develop our design process.
Design for the way you live and work!
Myles McKenzie
Principal | AIA Assoc.
Please Note:
The images, drawing documents, and specifications are instruments of service and design. They are the copyright and property of Myles Nelson McKenzie Design. They shall not be used or reproduced in part or whole except by written agreement with the Architect or Designer of Myles Nelson McKenzie Design, as per the copyright laws of Canada and the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Myles Nelson McKenzie Design ™